What are they?
They are custom built modules for Cherry Audio’s Voltage Modular software synthesizer. In addition to a wide range of “factory” modules, Voltage Modular supports user-created modules, allowing independent developers to create a wide range additional modules. It’s an aesthetic that’s very much in keeping with “real” Modular Synthesis where bespoke modules abound.
BCI has been active in the Voltage Modular ecosystem for a couple of years now and has (or will shortly have) the following selection of modules available in the Voltage Modular Store:
BCI KString
A very simple oscillator that implements Karplus-Strong algorithm to simulate a plucked string.
For more details, see the BCI KString information page.
BCI TMachine & Expansion Modules
A random CV sequence generator modeled after the Music Thing Modular Turing Machine, and it’s companion pulse generator, voltage generator and mixer expansion modules.
For more details, see the BCI TMachine information page.
BCI ERings
A 3 channel, 16 step trigger generating Euclidean Sequencer. Add a clock source and percussion oscillators of your choice to explore the realm of Euclidean rhythms
For more details, see the BCI ERings information page.
BCI Tossed Coins
Four Bernoulli gates with individually controllable A/B probabilities. The gates can be used independently or linked in series for more complex results.
For more details, see the BCI Tossed Coins information page.
BCI Gated Comparator
A gate sequencer that combines the functions of a comparator with a shift register. It
also generates pseudo-random CV sequences that can be used for note patterns or other
For more details, see the BCI Gated Comparator information page.
BCI Mix 6
A six-channel mono-to-stereo mixer with a convenient Aux Send/Return. Each
channel can be sent to the Aux either pre-fader or post fader.
For more details, see the BCI Mix 6 information page.
BCI SimpleSeq+
A chainable 12 step sequencer core. Forward, backward and pendulum motion directions are supported along with CV controlled direct step selection. Chain construction is simple and features automatic Master module selection.
For more details, see the BCI SimpleSeq+ information page.
BCI ModPad
A performance oriented touchpad controlled modulation source after the vintage Ocatve Electronics CATSTICK hardware controller.
For more details, see the BCI ModPad information page.
BCI SawsAll
A Super Saw for Super Jobs. Three oscillators with 7 voices for a total of 21 Sawtooth or Square waves with FM, PWM and Randuverters for modulation less modulation.
For more details, see the BCI SawsAll information page.
BCI Huginn & Muninn
A two voice, multi waveform oscillator module that brings the voices of Odin’s ravens Huginn (“Memory”) and Muninn (“Thought”) to your patches.
For more detials, see the BCI Huginn & Muninn information page.
BCI AWaves
A digital oscillator using the “Adventure Kid” single-cycle waveform collection as it’s wave library. There are several thousand (!) waveforms spread across 65 banks. The oscillator supports up to 7 voice unison with adjustable detuning.
For more details, see the BCI AWaves information page.
BCI SpectroMorph
A 2-bank, 16 band filter array inspired by the likes of the Buchla 296e Spectral Processor and the FRAP Tools FUMANA .
For more details, see the BCI SpectroMorph information page.
BCI Vari
A simple yet flexible CV scale and offset processor with playable controls.
For more details, see the BCI Vari information page.