Mix-6 is a six-channel mono-to-stereo mixer with a convenient Aux Send/Return. Each
channel can be sent to the Aux either pre-fader or post fader.
Each channel has a mono input and a pan control to position the sound in the stereo out. In
addition to Mute and Solo buttons, each channel has a volume dial that can provide an extra
6dB if needed, and a Signal/Clip indicator.
Each channel has an Aux Send dial, also with an extra 6dB for weak signals, and an option
for pre-fader send, useful for things like effect-only sounds and parallel compression.
The Master Section features a long throw output fader, stereo output, and helpful meters.
There’s also a mono Aux Send and stereo Aux Return with its own gain control.
A PDF format “Quick Reference Guide” is available here: BCI Mix 6 Instructions