Vari is a simple but flexible CV scale and offset processor combining an Attenuverter and an Attenuator with “playable” controls.
The combination of controls and normals allows for a number of possible configurations. For example:
- With no inputs connected, the module can be used as a bi-polar (-5V to +5V) and uni-polar (0V to +5V) CV source.
- Patch a signal into the attenuverter, scale it as needed and use the attenuator to offset the attenuverter output.
- Patch a singal into the attenuverter, scale it as needed and patch the output to the attenuator input. Use the attenuator to adjust the level of the scaled signal available at the attenuator output.
- Patch signals into both the attenuverter and attenuator and mix them to the attenuverter output.
A PDF format “Quick Reference Guide” is available here: BCI Vari Instructions